Dr Ousmane CISSE
General Director, Société des Mines du Sénégal (SOMISEN)
Directeur Général, Société des Mines du Sénégal (SOMISEN)
He is the CEO of the Société des Mines du Sénégal (SOMISEN S.A), a state-owned mining company. Priorto this appointment he was the National Director of Mines & Geology at the Senegalese Ministry of Mines.
He worked as a Technical Specialist with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) RegionalProject for Capacity Development for Negotiating and Regulating Investment Contracts to strengthen thelong-term institutional capacity of some African countries to negotiate contracts and manage related largescale
natural resources investment projects. He participated in a number of international assignments.
He brought to the Regional Project an extensive network of African and international contacts, due to hisworks as resource person to United Nations Economic Commission of Africa’s review of the mineral law andpolicy of selected West and North African countries and as Research Assistant to the Oxford PolicyManagement study entitled “Minerals Taxation: A review of issues and challenges in the design and application of minerals taxation regimes (2007).”
He served as National Expert to the ECOWAS Commission and Task Force on the harmonization of minerallaws and policies and was directly involved in helping to draft the ECOWAS Directive on the Harmonizationof Guiding Principles and Policies in the Mining Sector. He was an Advisory Board member to The « StrategicDialogue on Sustainable Raw Materials for Europe » STRADE (2016-2018), which addressed the long-termsecurity and sustainability of the European raw-material supply from European and non-European countries.
He served as a Course Director of the Mineral Policy and Contracts Negotiations African Institute forEconomic Development and Planning (IDEP – UN) training seminar.