Jean-Claude Guillaneau

Jean-Claude Guillaneau is graduated from a French Engineering School and continue his studies at the Laval University (Mining and Metallurgy) in Canada.

After working in the Mineral Research Center of Quebec, he joined BRGM, the French Geological Survey where he has been Head of the Process Department, Manager of the International Division and of the Georesources Division including the activities in Geology, Mineral Resources and Geothermal Energy. He has also been CEO of the engineering subsidiary in geothermal energy CFG.

He has been launching a project on Responsible Mining for the French Ministry of Industry. He is managing an European project (PanAfGeo) with 12 European countries for the training of the 55 African Geological Surveys particularly on Mining and Mining environment and starting a new project on the EU Africa Partnership on Raw Material Value Chain (AfricaMaVal).

He is actually in charge of the International Institutional Affairs at the General Direction of BRGM.

He is member of the French Mining Association (SIM) and he is also member of the SME, ICMM, SGA and the Geological Society of Africa (GSAf).

He is vice-president of the International Cooperation and Development Task Force of EuroGeoSurveys (EGS).

He has a strong background in the mining field throughout the World and especially in Africa including small scale mining and mining environment.