Florent Larger

Since April 2015, Florent Lager is the in-country manager of MPD Congo which is developing a world class iron ore project the “Zanaga Project” in Congo Brazzaville.  

From 2010 to 2015, he was the General Counsel of MPD Congo in charge of drafting and negotiating the various administrative documents of the Project in conjunction with the general management (mining operating agreement, certificate of environmental compliance, operating permit, etc.). 

Florent Lager is also the President of the Mining Federation of Congo since 2020. He was previously the Vice-President (2015 to 2020) and the Secretary General (2011 to 2015). This Federation aims to develop a healthy, transparent and inclusive mining sector in the Republic of Congo. 

Florent Lager holds a Magistère in Economic Activities Law and Master 2 in Contract and Property Law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne and a Master 2 in European Business Law from the University of Paris 5 René Descartes. He is also graduate from the Paris Bar school. 

He has made numerous presentations at conferences and seminars in Africa and Europe (ICC, UNCTAD, CBFP, Commission Afrique du Barreau de Paris, CADEV, IDLO, etc.). He has also published about twenty articles about mining code, infrastructure, local content, etc.