Patrice EBAH

Patrice EBAH has over 5 years’ experience in the mining sector. He is in charge of innovation at the Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) and runs the ACE-PARTNER programme’s Responsible Mining and Sustainable Development Network (AMR2D).

He holds a master’s degree in fundamental public law with a specialisation in the environment and extractive industries from the Université Jean Lorougnon Guédé (Côte d’Ivoire), following a degree in public law. He is certified in International Criminal Law, International Humanitarian Law and Transitional Justice at the Peacekeeping School in Bamako. He is also certified in the modelling and sharing of mining revenues and in tax policy issues in the extractive sector at the Institut des Hautes Études du Développement Durable (IHEDD). He is co-founder and head of cooperation and international relations at Agir pour l’Environnement dans les Industries Extractives (AEIE), an NGO incorporated under Ivorian law.