Pierre-Samuel Guedj

Public Affairs Government Relations, Corporate communications and Corporate Social Responsibility, President and Founder of Affectio Mutandi (2013-…) & Chair of the CSR & Human Rights Commission of CIAN, private sector organisation operating in Africa (2015-…)

At the confluence of stakeholders, Affectio Mutandi is the leading agency for societal, normative and reputation strategies on CSR, SDG & ESG issues. The agency articulates CSR, Corporate & Crisis Communication, Public Affairs, Legal analysis of ESG issues and Relations with NGOs, to develop ESG risk audits, social responsibility strategies, duty of care plans, Human Rights policies and approach, Social business activities, responsible mining approach or Local content program.

Pierre-Samuel is also Chairman of the CSR committee and member of the Executive Committee of CIAN, the French Investors Council in Africa, which federates 200 French and international companies operating on the continent.

In Africa, Affectio Mutandi supports public and private actors on ESG issues and the SDGs. The firm thus works on the integration of CSR on the continent, by defining national CSR strategies balancing a minimum regulatory framework and incentive and rewarding systems, or by advising ohada on the subject of legal integration.

The Firm has also developed specific expertise in sustainable and responsible mining, in Africa and Latin America, articulating in particular Compliance with local mining codes, normative requirements, innovation and societal commitment, dialogue with stakeholders, impact projects on territories and government relations. This specific consulting activity is aimed in particular at governments and economic players in the extractive sector.

Specialist in sensitive communication and issue management, he has over 20 years of experience, working with major French and international companies to advise on lobbying, influence, image and reputation.

He gained expertise on the issues of sustainable development, CSR and ISO 26 000 which led him to develop an advisory activity and to join the French delegation at the United Nations Conference Rio + 20.

As an expert in corporate communication for public and private actors, Pierre-Samuel Guedj masters all the levers of institutional communication with different audiences (institutions, investors, companies, media, civil society organizations and public opinion).

Pioneer in digital communication, he designs online mobilization and activation devices, and through social networks he has supervised the development of numerous corporate or general information websites with a journalistic approach.

Last launch: a unique multi-channel platform Africa Mutandi with a website, a newsletter, a Facebook, LinkedIn, twitter and YouTube page, and an information network through telegram and WhatsApp. He is also an expert in mobilizing influencers, opinion leaders and online influencers.

Senior Consultant, then Director of the Public Affairs & Crisis Communication Department of Burson-Marsteller (1997-2005), he then became Director of the Public Affairs & Institutional Communication Department of Publicis Consultants Paris & Brussels, and Partner, in charge of Suez’s communication strategies, became GDF SUEZ then Engie (2005-2012). He was also responsible for the Energy and Corporate Social Responsibility practices of Publicis Consultants. He was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fleishman-Hillard France (2013).

He is also a member of NGOs committee such as Transparency International, the Circle of Experts of WWF France, the Ecological Factory and the Orientation Committee of Green Cross France.